

S.N: Acacia arabica

F: Leguminosae

Acacia tree comes from Australia and some of Europe and America and the warm areas in Asia and is a beautiful trees with cluster flowers, which are used commercially and for the purpose of adornment and are also used in the medical case, there are Acacia types differ in characteristics and appearance, Types of leaves such as acacia and there are white, purple and yellow, and the structure of flowers varies from tree to tree. The trees of some species of acacia tree are very strong and used in shipbuilding.

How do you plant acacia?
1- The date of planting:
Acacia or Acacia seedlings are grown in the ground in February and March.

2- Seeds:
Before planting the seeds, the seeds are soaked in cold water for 12 to 48 hours and then soaked in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes or treated with concentrated sulfuric acid for 1 to 2 hours and then washed before planting, which helps in the growth process.
B - seed seeds that were soaked and mixed with sand and river and bitmus and planted at a depth of 1 cm and took care of where you need to get wet and warm atmosphere to grow seedlings.

3- Soil:
These trees can be cultivated in sandy or calcareous soils and bear high humidity in the soil so that they can be planted in the coastal land. Acacia trees are considered suitable trees for the work of windbreaks and natural fences around fields and cities instead of fences and iron fences.

4-Processing of land:
- Gore drilling area of ​​1 in 1 in 1 meter.
- Put the amount of seed and compost at the bottom of the jour and mixed with the soil well.
- Tree plant seedlings are usually transported to the permanent soil in February and March. When moving and before planting, remove the damaged and dry roots. The seedling is trimmed so that there is a correlation between the root total and the vegetative total.
- Plant the tree in Aljoura vertically so that they are on the same level as it was in the past and then Jour around the soil mixed with organic substances decomposed by 3 to 1 to be dipped in a light, especially the parts away from the leg and then irrigated until saturation and preferred Planting is done early in the morning.
- In the case of agriculture in dry or low water areas, soil cover should be considered after planting. The cover shall be covered either by plant wastes, tree leaves, plastic sheeting or gravel, provided that the thickness of the gravel layer is not more than 3 cm.

5- Trimming:
The pruning of the acacia trees is an important process where it helps to grow the trees and keep them from getting infected. The branches are trimmed so as to prevent the spread of infection. The pruning helps to push the flowers to grow and make sure that the branches grow at the widest angles. Fully and be fixed.

6- Fertilization:
Acacia requires minimum fertilization and is fertilized every 20 days. After full tree growth, fertilization is done once.

7- Pests and injuries:
Acacia trees, like other types of plants, are susceptible to pests and diseases that affect them and can infect humans, mites, turpus, flies.

Acacia trees need to grow into full light and can grow in dry soils. However, at the beginning of agriculture, the first stages of tree age are gradually exposed to light. Generally, the tree should be at least 6 hours long. Very useful for decorating and landscaping with its shape and control when pruning and variety of types.
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S.N: Magnolia grandiflora

F: Magnoliaceae

Magnolia was once named via French botanist Pierre Magnol and used to be a botanist.

William Sherard is one of the first people to promote this name and the Magnolia tree.

The beautiful beauty is a living fossil where the tree was scattered in the hemisphere.

The northern floor along with the ginkgo biloba and redwood trees, but this spread has declined significantly during the Ice Age and found fossils of this tree dating back more than twenty million years and found fossils of trees belonging to the family of Magnolia dating back more than ninety million years Means that the Magnolia tree has witnessed great events such as the formation of the mountains and the occurrence of the Ice Age and the sliding continents and the distance from each other and to this event proud of the scientists Magnolia plant magnolia on separate continents.

The original home of the Magnolia is the eastern United States, Mexico and South Asia. It is said that the original habitat of this tree in Asia is the Himalayas. Today, the magnolia spread in Japan, China, Malaysia, Mexico and the United States.

Before we begin to talk about the specifications of this tree and its climatic requirements, we have to mention that this tree has many varieties and that each species has different climatic requirements than the requirements of the other. Therefore, most of what we will mention here will be lines that may apply to some And may not apply to other varieties. The final statement is for the field experience. Some varieties of magnolia are evergreen, while other varieties are leafy. Similarly, some varieties are characterized by large sizes, with a height of more than 30 meters, whereas there are varieties that are no more than small bushes. Buds and modern paperlings, ie flowering in the beginning of the spring, while other varieties are delayed flowering until after the emergence of leafy growths, that the flowering is in the summer and also the shape and size of flowers varies from one category to another clearly, but Some botanists have been graded The Magnolia is a Magnolia and an Asian Magnolia. According to the native people, American Magnolia is generally larger in size and is often evergreen. It blooms in late spring and early summer and has whiteish yellow flowers. Asian Magnolia They are smaller and blooming earlier in the spring, and their flowers are characterized by more varied colors, mostly leafy trees, so that the reader is not confused.

What is noticed by the hedonists and botanists that some type of magnolia can be evergreen in an area and can be falling leaves in another area, depending on the climate prevailing in that region and I mention here that I read about varieties of orange leaf and That these varieties are grown in Russia, and in general, Asian Magnolia may be more resistant to cold than American Magnolia, while some note that American Magnolia is more tolerant of drought and some of its varieties tolerate living in alkaline soil.

Plant description:
The tree is very beautiful and evergreen rising up to 30 m. Her leg is upright with a round top. The leaves are intertwined with a full edge that extends to an oval, thick and solid with a shiny upper surface and a fluffy bottom. The tree blooms in spring and lasts until late May. Floral full color single diameter between 15-20 cm with aromatic aromatic fragrance from which the perfume is extracted.

Magnolia leaves are roughly the same size as citrus leaves. They are dark brown in color. They are characterized by a yellow line that divides the paper into two symmetrical halves. In addition, there is a yellow line on the edges of the outer leaf. Also, the magnolia leaves are solid and made of plastic. The top is very glossy and covered with a thin layer of glass. The bottom surface of the paper is darker and less glossy. For magnolia wood it is soft wood.

Magnolia flowers vary in color, shape and size from one species to another. The white camellia magnolia is one of the most famous flowers of this tree. It resembles a cup of coffee on its plate. The magnolia flower is distinguished from the rest of the flowers. The fruits are red wooden cones and conical shape in which we find red seeds are the seeds of magnolia, and magnolia flowers have a fragrant smell, but do not produce nectar, but produce large amounts of pollen and since the flowers of magnolia does not produce nectar or produce in small quantities, Inoculation of these flowers depends on a For beetles, without other insects attracted by the nectar, and that while these beetles pollute pollen and flowers, but the excessive presence of those beetles calls for control because it may eliminate the flowers of the plant altogether.

In areas prone to frosting, it is preferable to cultivate late-blooming magnolia because the frost destroys the flowering buds of the tree. Some lactators avoid planting trees in the southern parts of the gardens to avoid early flowering. The resistance of magnolia trees to frosts varies and growth rates vary. The number of years this tree requires to reach the flowering stage from one species to another, as mentioned earlier, selecting the right variety for the region, both in terms of climate and soil quality, is considered the first step in the cultivation of this tree.

Magnolia farming:
In the tissue culture, the resulting plant is a copy identical to the original because the individuals produced by the seeds are subject to inheritance laws in terms of dominant traits And recessive and transient, and it becomes more complicated if the tree was challenged with grain coming from a tree belonging to another type of Magnolia, where this leads to the emergence of hybrid and is likely to occur in this tree. The best time to grow the Magnolia seedlings is in the early spring and specifically before the emergence of modern growth on this tree and since Magnolia need to be spectacular lighting in order to bloom and to grow properly, it is preferable to be planted in places exposed to direct sunlight and magnolia of all varieties are damaged Of the wind currents should therefore be planted in a well protected place from the wind. Therefore, these trees are not grown as fences or windbreakers. The pruning of the branches of this tree should be done after the flowering stage. Most of the magnolia species are rich in humus, The Although some varieties may tolerate alkaline soils such as calcareous soils, most varieties of magnolia are moisture-free and have no drought resistance. The roots of this tree are spread horizontally close to the surface of the soil and some species have very strong roots so they grow Apart from the foundations of the buildings, and most of the varieties of this tree does not strengthen the possibility of salinity of the soil and apart from what we have said about the possibility of moving palm trees from one place to another easily, the transfer of trees Magnolia is very difficult because the roots spread in large areas around the plant and therefore not Plant can be moved without exposing most Radical total damage.
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S.N: Casuarina equisetifolia

F: Casuarinaceae

With seeds in nurseries and then transported in Assas

Agriculture Time:
February to April.

Plant Description:
Alcazarina is a tall, evergreen tree characterized by its attractiveness to birds and its "squirming"
And the height ranges between 10 - 20 m resembling the pine in terms of the shape of the cone and cone and her legs are exposed from the bottom, submerged branches, and the leaves of a thin spindle, and small violet flowers appear on the branches, and fruits spherical shape and diameter 1-2 cm, and the roots scattered contain a radical contract (bacteria ), And has a very fast growth rate .
Casuarina is distinguished from other trees by its own gas exchange system. Despite its "leaves", the leaves are not tree leaves but branch branches. The leaves are small branches that appear on the edge of the branches. The quality of the tree among its same-sex peers,
Unlike other trees, kasurina gets solar energy through the folds inside each branch rather than through leaves. This means that the tree loses very little water in photosynthesis, making it a leading tree in drought tolerance and hard conditions.
Due to its clear characteristic as a forest tree, it is a favorite place for nesting birds, which distinguishes the existing gardens with the distinctive singing sound of birds.
In addition to this, the tree is a real cleaner for the air, so its falling branches pick up air pollutants and dust and usually do not drop those plankton except with rain that brings it 
back to the ground.

Plant tolerance to local environmental conditions:
Casuarina has excellent tolerance for local environmental conditions and harsh environmental factors. It can withstand temperatures up to 47 ° C but does not tolerate frost, as well as excellent drought, wind and salinity tolerance. .
Reproduction: With seeds

Format value:
They are used as decorative trees in the streets, gardens and parks. Casarina trees can also be used in other afforestation projects and for the establishment of windbreaks and green belts around farms and cities.

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S.N: Narcissus tazetta

F: Amaryllidaceae

The bright curcuma longa blooms concerning daffodils are a surprising sign that jump is correct around the corner. Here are pointers concerning then in conformity with drive into yellow bulbs, whether after seriousnessbecause of thine daffodils, or where according to work then that flower.

Daffodils are a hardy and handy perennial to that amount grows among nearly areas on North America, besidesamong the hottest, wettest areas, such as South Florida. Daffodils are a fall-planted bulb, hence sow them amongfall and it will newness in advanced wintry weather and express spring.

The normal xanthic thrive may additionally lie a attractive yellow and white, including six petals yet a trumpet-shape middle corona, however dense civil types (“cultivars”) exists today. Leafless stems endure within 1 then 20 flowers; occasionally the flowers necessity after remain staked therefore so they don’t considering under the stems.

Daffodils are suitable because of planting between shrubs or into a border, or because compulsion blooms indoors. They additionally seem extraordinary among a jungle garden then of giant groves. You’ll find as manygardeners bury the bulbs now not just by using the dozens however by using the hundreds! Daffodil floraadditionally accomplish for considerable cut flowers.


  • Plant xanthous bulbs of the fall—about 2 after IV weeks earlier than the floor freezes. See provincial snow dates orbe brought more pointers of planting run into bulbs.
  • Select a website that presents completed solar and incomplete shade.
  • Most daffodils tolerate a length regarding soils however grow good of rather fertile, well-drained base so is storedpoachy at some stage in the rising season. They are susceptible to digestion now stored also wet, consequentlyredact sure that ye plant to them in a well-draining spot.
  • Many about the famous kind choose impartial to acetous soils, but partial select barely alkaline soils, consequently seek advice from the provider over your bulbs according to recommend as is good for you canaryvariety.
  • Select terrific daffodil bulbs as have no longer been dried out. The larger the bulb, the better.
  • Plant bulbs 1-½ in accordance with 5 instances their very own depth. Where winters are severe, edit definitive likeare at least three height concerning floor masking the bulb.
  • Daffodils intention pass incomplete crowding, but it decide upon according to keep spaced three in conformity with 6 level apart.
  • It may assist in accordance with sprinkle a tiny bulb extract between the hole throughout planting. 
  • Resist the lure in imitation of uncover spring-flowering plants certain as like daffodils or tulips. You may shakemulch, however the shoots wish nevertheless benefit from safety towards cold, drying winds.

  • Apply a low-nitrogen, high-potash (potassium) manure since flowering proviso bulbs are no longer execution sodesired. Learn greater respecting making ready earth because of planting or earth amendments.
  • Water late-flowering daffodils into tame jump climate (flowers may also abort between glacial conditions).
  • Deadhead plants so plant life vanish (for neater garden appearance) then allow leaves in imitation of remainbecause of at least 6 weeks.
  • Lift and part the clumps so flowering will become sparse yet the clumps congested.
  • After daffodils recency into the spring, permit the plants in imitation of develop until he decease off. Do NOT cutunder earlier. They want era afterwards blooming in conformity with keep power among the bulbs because ofnext year’s bloom.
  • To remove the lifeless plants, both smithers them off at the base, and braid the leaves while pulling lightly.
  • Once daffodils or tulips have gone by, assemble bonemeal to the earth for subsequent year’s blooms.

  • Daffodils are both deer-resistant and rodent-proof, as much this animals do no longer kind of the style over the bulbs of the Narcissus family.
  • Daffodils are additionally poisonous after pets, hence edit absolute thine animals don’t munch concerning them.
  • The most common troubles consist of sizeable narcissus bulb fly, bulb reach mite, narcissus nematode, slugs, narcissus basal putrefaction yet other fungal infections, and viruses.

  • When cut, daffodils need to stand saved odd of a vase, as much their stems secrete a thin so promotes the wilting regarding vile flowers. If ye need to combine them, absorb them by using themselves for so lengthy as possible, below rinse them or assemble them in conformity with the association last.
  • Note up to expectation advice with the sap over daffodils might also irritate skin and worsen pores and skinallergies.

  • Golden Ducat’ is a double daffodil including clean yellow petals. It blooms among mid- in accordance with lateage then grows 12 after 16 height tall.
  • Petit Four’ is a good choice because of partially shady site.
    flower has hoary petals along a twofold jokeover apricot pink yet grows 16 height tall.
  • Rip fan Winkle’ is a base doubled yellow as grows 6 in imitation of 8 pitch great then looks giant between a grove with deep others concerning its kind.
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