~ Flowers


S.N: Acacia arabica

F: Leguminosae

Acacia tree comes from Australia and some of Europe and America and the warm areas in Asia and is a beautiful trees with cluster flowers, which are used commercially and for the purpose of adornment and are also used in the medical case, there are Acacia types differ in characteristics and appearance, Types of leaves such as acacia and there are white, purple and yellow, and the structure of flowers varies from tree to tree. The trees of some species of acacia tree are very strong and used in shipbuilding.

How do you plant acacia?
1- The date of planting:
Acacia or Acacia seedlings are grown in the ground in February and March.

2- Seeds:
Before planting the seeds, the seeds are soaked in cold water for 12 to 48 hours and then soaked in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes or treated with concentrated sulfuric acid for 1 to 2 hours and then washed before planting, which helps in the growth process.
B - seed seeds that were soaked and mixed with sand and river and bitmus and planted at a depth of 1 cm and took care of where you need to get wet and warm atmosphere to grow seedlings.

3- Soil:
These trees can be cultivated in sandy or calcareous soils and bear high humidity in the soil so that they can be planted in the coastal land. Acacia trees are considered suitable trees for the work of windbreaks and natural fences around fields and cities instead of fences and iron fences.

4-Processing of land:
- Gore drilling area of ​​1 in 1 in 1 meter.
- Put the amount of seed and compost at the bottom of the jour and mixed with the soil well.
- Tree plant seedlings are usually transported to the permanent soil in February and March. When moving and before planting, remove the damaged and dry roots. The seedling is trimmed so that there is a correlation between the root total and the vegetative total.
- Plant the tree in Aljoura vertically so that they are on the same level as it was in the past and then Jour around the soil mixed with organic substances decomposed by 3 to 1 to be dipped in a light, especially the parts away from the leg and then irrigated until saturation and preferred Planting is done early in the morning.
- In the case of agriculture in dry or low water areas, soil cover should be considered after planting. The cover shall be covered either by plant wastes, tree leaves, plastic sheeting or gravel, provided that the thickness of the gravel layer is not more than 3 cm.

5- Trimming:
The pruning of the acacia trees is an important process where it helps to grow the trees and keep them from getting infected. The branches are trimmed so as to prevent the spread of infection. The pruning helps to push the flowers to grow and make sure that the branches grow at the widest angles. Fully and be fixed.

6- Fertilization:
Acacia requires minimum fertilization and is fertilized every 20 days. After full tree growth, fertilization is done once.

7- Pests and injuries:
Acacia trees, like other types of plants, are susceptible to pests and diseases that affect them and can infect humans, mites, turpus, flies.

Acacia trees need to grow into full light and can grow in dry soils. However, at the beginning of agriculture, the first stages of tree age are gradually exposed to light. Generally, the tree should be at least 6 hours long. Very useful for decorating and landscaping with its shape and control when pruning and variety of types.

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